The Track handling functions
are an extensive list of functions used to manipulate music and control how
the music is played back. Commands like sxBuildTrack() and sxAddToTrack() change
the actual data, while Commands like sxSetTrackVilume() or sxSetTrackMute()
change the way the music is played back.
sxGetTrackInfo returns a propertylist containing info on the referred
The list contains the following properties:
#trackName, #trackTranspose, #trackChannel, #trackInstrument, #trackVolume,
#trackPan, #trackReverb, #trackChorus, #trackMute and #partIDs.
#partIDs is a linear list of parts on the referred Track.
Result code:
List: Track info list
Negative integer: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong put sxGetTrackInfo(mySong, 1) end mouseUp
Could result:
- [#trackName: "Piano", #trackTranspose: 0, #trackChannel: 1,
#trackInstrument:71, #trackVolume: 127, #trackPan: 40, #trackReverb: -1,
#trackChorus: -1, #trackMute: 0, #partIDs: [3, 5]]
sxSetMIDIThruState controls if incoming MIDI-data should be echoed
back to MIDI-out or not. State must be 1 or 0 (or TRUE/FALSE).
A value of 1 will set sequenceXtra to echo all incoming MIDI to
the MIDI out port. sequenceXtra defaults to 1.
Result code: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp sxSetMIDIThruState(0) --will turn off MIDI-thru end mouseUp
sxSetMIDIThru sets the Track that will be used for MIDI thru.
All incoming MIDI will pass thru this Track and all events will get
the settings of this track (MIDI channel, Transpose etc.) before
they are sent out to the synthesizer. If sxSetMIDIThruState() is
set to 0 this command will have no effect.
Result code: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong sxSetMIDIThru(mySong, 5) end mouseUp
trackNum, transpose)
sxSetTrackTranspose sets the transpose value of the referred Track.
The transpose value is set in semi tone steps, Positive values indicate
higher pitch and vice versa. Possible values range from -128 to 128.
Result code: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong sxSetTrackTranspose(mySong, 6, 12) -- Transpose Track 6 one octave up end mouseUp
sxGetTrackTranspose returns an integer that indicates
transpose value of the referred Track. The result is offset
by 128 to make it possible to return negative transpose vaues.
Negative integers are reseved for error codes.
Result code-128:
Positive integer: Transpose value.
Negative integer: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong put sxGetTrackTranspose(mySong, 1)into field "transposeDisplay" end mouseUp
trackNum, muteState)
sxSetTrackMute sets the playback state of the referred Track.
If muteState is 0 the Track will play. If muteState is 1 the Track is
Result code:
1/0: Previous muteState.
Negative integer: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong sxSetTrackMute(mySong, 1, 1) end mouseUp
sxGetTrackMute returns the current playback state of the referred Track.
Result code:
TRUE = Muted
FALSE = Playing.
Negative integer: Standard error code
Example: on mouseUp global mySong set currentMuteState = sxGetTrackMute(mySong, 1) end mouseUp
trackNum, name)
sxSetTrackName sets the name of the referred Track to the string name.
Result code: Standard error code
Example: on mouseUp global mySong set trackname = "Clarinet" sxSetTrackName(mySong, 3, trackname) end mouseUp
sxGetTrackName returns the name of the referred Track.
Result code:
String: Track name.
Negative integer: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong set trackName = sxGetTrackName(mySong, 1) if stringP(trackName) then put trackName else put "Track 1 has no name" end mouseUp
erases all data from the referred Track.
All Parts on the Track are deleted and can not be used.
The track remains in memory and can be used for recording and creating
Result code: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong sxClearTrack(mySong, 1) -- Delete all data on Track 1 end mouseUp
trackNum, from, to)
sxDeleteTrackEvents deletes all MIDI events on the referred Track, between
the positions indicated by from and to.
Result code: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong sxDeleteTrackEvents(mySong , 1, 3, 5)
-- Deletes MIDI-events on Track 1 between bar 3 and 5. end mouseUp
sxDeleteTrack deletes the referred Track and all containing data from the song.
If there are Tracks in the Song with number above the deleted Track these Tracks
will be renumbered starting from the number of the deleted Track. All settings
of the remaining Tracks will be untouched.
Result code: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong sxDeleteTrackEvents(mySong , 1, 3, 5)
-- Deletes MIDI-events on Track 1 between bar 3 and 5. end mouseUp
Track Parameters
Track in a sequenceXtra Song has a number of parameters that can be tested and
set. These include the Tracks Channel, Instrument number, Volume etc. Below
follows the commands to get and set these parameters
trackNum, channel)
sxSetTrackChannel sets the MIDI channel on the referred Track.
If channel is set to 17, the track will have no channel setting and
all events will play back on their respective MIDI channel (no rechannelizing).
Result code: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong sxSetTrackChannel(mySong , 1, 16) -- Track 1 plays back on MIDI channel 16 end mouseUp
sxGetTrackChannel returns the current MIDI channel setting for the referred
Result code: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong set channel = sxGetTrackChannel(mySong , 5) end mouseUp
trackNum, programNumber)
sxSetTrackInstrument sets the Program Change number for the referred Track.
Result code: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong sxSetTrackInstrument(mySong , 1, 71) -- Track 1 uses Instrument 71 end mouseUp
sxGetTrackInstrument returns the current Program Change
number for the referred Track.
Result code:
Positive integer: Program Change number.
Negative integer: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong set soundNum =sxGetTrackInstrument(mySong , 8) end mouseUp
trackNum, volume)
sxSetTrackVolume sets the MIDI volume of the referred track.
Result code: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong sxSetTrackVolume(mySong , 1, 80) -- Track 1 gets the volume value 80 end mouseUp
sxGetTrackVolume returns the current MIDI volume of the referred Track
Result code:
Positive integer: Track volume.
Negative integer: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong set volume = sxGetTrackVolume(mySong , 8) end mouseUp
trackNum, pan)
sxSetTrackPan sets the MIDI pan value Track trackNum.
0 indicates max left, 64 indicates center and 127 indicates max Right.
Result code: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong sxSetTrackPan(mySong , 1, 30) end mouseUp
sxGetTrackPan returns the current Pan setting of Track trackNum.
Result code:
Positive integer: Track pan value.
Negative integer: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong set pan = sxGetTrackPan(mySong , curTrack) end mouseUp
trackNum, reverb)
sxSetTrackReverb sets the reverb value (MIDI-controller 91) of Track trackNum
Possible values range from 0 to 127.
Result code: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong sxSetTrackReverb(mySong , 1, 64) -- Reverb level 64 on Track 1 end mouseUp
sxGetTrackReverb returns the current reverb value for Track trackNum
Result code:
Positive integer: Current reverb level.
Negative integer: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong set currentReverb = sxGetTrackReverb(mySong , 1) end mouseUp
trackNum, chorus)
sxSetTrackChorus sets the chorus value (MIDI-controller 93) for the referred
Possible values range from 0 to 127
Result code: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong sxSetTrackChorus(mySong , 1, 64) end mouseUp
sxGetTrackChorus returns the current chorus setting of the referred Track
Result code:
Positive integer: Current chorus setting
Negative integer: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong theChorusValue = sxGetTrackChorus(mySong , 1) end mouseUp
sxCreateTrack creates a new empty track in the referred song.
The track gets the same MIDI channel as its track number.
If the track number is larger than 16 the channel numbering starts over
from 1.
Result code:
Positive integer: Track number
Negative integer: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong sxCreateTrack(mySong) newTrackNum = the result end mouseUp
trackNum, partList)
sxBuildTrack creates one or more Parts on track trackNum.
partList should be a linear list of parts, in the form showed in the example
Result code: Standard error code
Example: on mouseUp global mySong set eventList1 = [[0,144,60,80,400], [480,144,62,80,400]] set eventList2 = [[0,144,64,80,400], [480,144,66,80,400]] set partList = [[[1,1,1,1],eventList1], [[2,1,1,1],eventList2]] sxBuildTrack(mySong , 3, partList) end mouseUp
trackNum{, filterList})
sxGetTrack returns a Linear list of all the parts on the referred Track.
filterList is an optional argument used to filter out certain event types.
If filterlist is used, only the specified event types will be returned
by the function.
values in the filterlist are:
#keyon, #polypress, #ctrlchange, #prgchange, #chanpress and #pitchbend.
A List: The tracks partList
Negative integer: starnard error code
Example: on mouseUp global mySong put sxGetTrack(mySong , 1) end mouseUp
Could result:
[[1,1,1,1], [[0,144,60,80,400], [480,144,62,80,400], [960,144,64,80,400]],
[2,1,1,1],[[0,144,64,80,400], [480,144,66,80,400], [960,144,68,80,400]]]
sxBuildSong builds a whole song from a list of tracks. The function replaces
the whole Song and all previous data is lost.
Result code: Standard error code
Example: on mouseUp global mySong set eventList1 = [[0,144,60,80,400], [480,144,62,80,400]] set eventList2 = [[0,144,64,80,400], [480,144,66,80,400]] set eventList3 = [[0,144,60,80,400], [480,144,55,80,400]] set eventList4 = [[0,144,48,80,400], [480,144,52,80,400]] set partList1 = [[[1,1,1,1],eventList1], [[2,1,1,1],eventList2]] set partList2 = [[[1,111],eventList3], [[2,1,1,1],eventList4]] set trackList1 = [partList1, partList2] sxBuildSong(mySong, trackList1) end mouseUp
fromTrack, toTrack)
sxMergeTracks makes a copy of the content in fromTrack and places it in
toTrack. fromTrack remains intact after this operation. Hence, the contents
in fromTrack will be duplicated by this.
Result code: Standard error code
Example: on mouseUp global mySong sxMergeTracks(mySong, 2, 1) end mouseUp
trackNum, partList)
sxAddToTrack adds the contents of partList to the referred Track. Previous
data on the Track is kept intact.
Can be used
during playback
Result code: Standard error code
Example: on mouseUp global mySong partList = [[1,1,1,1],[[0,144,60,80,400],[480,144,62,80,400]]]] sxAddToTrack(mySong, 5, partList) end mouseUp
sxAddToSong adds the content of trackList to the referred song. Previous
data in the song os kept intact.The example below also shows how to build
a trackList
Example: on mouseUp global mySong set eventList1 = [[0,144,60,80,400], [480,144,62,80,400]] set eventList2 = [[0,144,64,80,400], [480,144,66,80,400]] set eventList3 = [[0,144,60,80,400], [480,144,55,80,400]] set eventList4 = [[0,144,48,80,400], [480,144,52,80,400]] set partList1 = [[[1,1,1,1],eventList1], [[2,1,1,1],eventList2]] set partList2 = [[[1,1,1,1],eventList3], [[2,1,1,1],eventList4]] set trackList1 = [partList1, partList2] sxAddToSong(mySong, trackList1) end mouseUp
sxGetTrackCount returns the number of tracks in the referred song.
Result code:
Positive integer: number of Tracks.
Negative integer: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong set trackCnt = sxGetTrackCount(mySong) end mouseUp
sxGetPartCount returns the number of Parts on track trackNum.
Result code:
Positive integer: Number of Parts on the Track.
Negative integer: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong set partCount = sxGetPartCount(mySong, 1) end mouseUp
sxGetMarkerList returns a linear list of all Markers in mySong.
Each entry in the list is a linear list with two values [time position,
marker text]
Result code:
Marker list
Negative integer: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong put sxGetMarkerList(mySong) end mouseUp
Could return:
- [[1920, "Intro"], [3840, "Verse"], [7680, "Refrain"]]
sxGetKeySignList returns a linear list of all the key sign entries in
the referred Song. Every entry in the list is a linear list with three
Result code:
Key sign list.
Negative integer: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong put sxGetKeySignList(mySong) end mouseUp
Could result:
- [[0, 0, 0], [1920, 1, 0], [3840, -1, 1]]
sxChannelSort sorts the MIDI events in the referred song so all MIDI events
with the same MIDI channel value goes on the same Track.
MIDI events with MIDI channel 1 moves to Track 1
MIDI events with MIDI channel 2 moves to Track 2
Note that the whole structure of the song is lost by this operation.
Result code: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong sxChannelSort(mySong) end mouseUp
trackNum, quantizeValue)
sxSetTrackQuantize quantizes the referred Track with the value indicated
by quantizeValue
Note, the quantization is non destructive and can be reversed with the command sxUnQuantizeTrack.
refers to note values in the following manner:
Whole note |
Eigth note triplet |
Half note |
Sixteenth |
Quarter note |
Sixteenth quintuplet |
Quarter note triplet |
Sixteenth triplet |
Eigth note |
32 tuplet |
Eigth note quintuplet |
32 triplet |
Result code: Standard error code.
Example: on mouseUp global mySong sxSetTrackQuantize(mySong, 1, 16) -- Quantize track 1 by 1/16 note end mouseUp
sxUnQuantizeTrack removes all quantization from the referred Track.
Result code: Standard error code.
Exempel: on mouseUp global mySong sxUnQuantizeTrack(mySong, 1) end mouseUp