Type of Unit |
Subjective |
Objective |
- "setting the Stage"
- "Preparation for"
- Optional section
- Establish Tonality
- Often ends on Chord of Tension
- May have thematic material
Expository or Thematic
- "Here it is..."
- Basic Material presented
- Materials that form the subject of the composition
- Tonally Stable
- Regular Phrase Structure
- Thematic/Motivic Material
(transition or retransition)
- "Traveling Music"
- Connecting two or more important units
- Tonally Unstable
- Modulation, Sequence, Dom. Prolongation
- Irregular Phrase Structure
- Tonal Preparation
- "Working over"
- "Composer's Showcase"
- "Examining the Possibilities"
- Durchfuhrung
- Tonally Unstable
- Irregular Phrase Structure
- Thematic Fragmentation
- Counterpoint
- Modulation, Sequence
- Juxtaposition of Fragments
- Music seems to "stand still"
- Lack of Direction
- Reflects Backward
- Mood setting qualities
- Repetitions or chord progressions
- non-cadential
Closing (Coda)
- Sense of "drawing to a close"
- "Winding down"
- Multiple cadencing (V-I)
- Tonic Pedal
- Subdominant Emphasis
- Massive Cadential Preparation
- Idiomatic Closing Gestures
- Often absence of melody
- tutti orchestra