Combinatorial Rows are those which can produce some inversion, transposition, and/or retrograde in which the first 6 pitches will be completely different from the first 6 pitches in the original row.
Pitch Content Pitch Content Prime Form: hexachord a hexchord b Transformation: hexachord b hexachord a
All-combinatorial rows feature combinatoriality between Po and an I, RI, and possibly an R form and in one or more transpositions (note that Po and Ro will always be combinatorial, so it isn't worth mentioning).
Semi-combinatorial rows feature combinatoriality with only an inverted (I) form (no transposition or RI).
Here is a procedure to determine if a row is combinatorial (it's possible to simply look at the matrix and figure it out, but it's pretty slow).
Example: Bb E Gb Eb F A D C# G G# B C First 6 numbers: 0 6 8 5 7 11
Eliminate all even numbers, eliminate 5, 7, and 11 (they are in the first six numbers), 8+5=13 (1) (eliminate), 8+7=15 (3) (eliminate).
No two numbers added together equal 9, so the row is combinatorial at I9.
(023468) (012468) (013579) (012346) (023579) (013679) (012458) (013589) (014568) (012357) (013469) (012367) (012578) |
(02468A) (014589) (012345) (012678) (023457) (024579) |
[060603] [303630] [543210] [420243] [343230] [143250] |
(013458) is a special set: T6 produces a combinatorial row.